Thursday, January 19, 2012

Zachary Update - 1st Surgery

Surgery started a little later today then anticipated. He went in for an MRI and prep work around 12:30 but didn't actually go in for surgery until about 3pm (scheduled for noon). After the survey he had another MRI and was sent to recovery. All went well. rather then putting electrodes on his brain, they put what the call a grid which is basically a bunch of electrodes all together.

When he came to he said to Cody, "daddy my head hurts." Drs said was good sign and hooked him up to pain meds. He is still in recovery, but will hopefully soon get his own room.

Still praying to get the info needed quickly so hopefully can get 2nd surgery done sooner and of course a speedy recovery.

Thanks again for all the live and support!

Below are a few pics Cody took today.
• Our brave boy after surgery
• Zach getting some rest before the big event
• Zach grabbing Cody's hand when he thought he was leaving during his nap...saying he's a daddy's boy is a bit of an understatement

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Zachary Update - Day 2

Zachary made it through day two. He had about 10 seizures today; 5 of which all happened between noon and 1pm. They were able to get some good reads so they put him back on his meds until tomorrow. A few of the seizures consisted of his lips turning purple because of shallow breathing and oxygen going to his organs from what the drs say. That part is scary and hard to watch!

They put the electrodes on his brain tomorrow and said if they get enough information from the grid in a short period of time and the surgeon has an opening they may be able to move the 2nd surgery up. Yay!

Below are a few pics Cody has taken of our brave boy.

Zachary Update - Day 1

Zachary got checked into the hospital today. He has electrodes on his scalp to monitor his seizures until Thursday when they will put them directly on his brain.

He typically is on three medications both morning and night, but they have reduced it to only one of the medications with half the dosage. We want him to have seizures so that way they will be able to see where they are happening.

That's about it for right now. Will keep you posted. Good night.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Zachary updates

Just checking out this blogger app since Cody will be taking the laptop with him to Austin. I will try to do my best to keep everyone posted with his progress.

Thank you everyone for your continued thoughts and prayers for Zach's surgery. They mean so much to us! All the love and support we've been getting is so overwhelming. Today in church we had numerous people tell us they are praying for us. Brought a few tears to our eyes not only because of how important the power of prayer is to us but also because it's starting to make it all so real now. Knowing that God already has this planned out is what keeps us strong. He has the perfect plan and already knows the outcome. We trust that His will will be done.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hailey's 1st Road Trip

Friday - September 23, 2011
We started making our way to Florida this morning.

One of our short breaks was at Bass Pro Shop in Alabama. Hailey needed a diaper change and a bottle.  Convieniently, this was near by.  So, Cody checked out the store while Hailey and I did the diaper change and feeding thing.

We only have to drive to Pensicola which is about an 8 hour drive rather than a 13 hour drive to the Gainesville/Ocala area. Grandma is staying with my cousins while my aunt and uncle are at the Floriday/Kentucky game (Go Gators!).  We finally arrived in Pensicola where Grandma met Hailey for the first time. Cody hardly had her out of her carseat before she was snatching her up. I think it was love at first site.

Hailey also got to meet 2nd cousins Tailor and Amber.
There was a cool bean bag chair that Grandma put her on and she loved that made for a cute backdrop while we were there.  

Trying to focus.  Cody hates it when she does this.

Saturday - September 24, 2011

With Hailey's new car toy I was able to get a
picture of all of us in the car
We started heading towards Gainesville at about 9:30 this morning. What should have taken only 5 hours, took about 9. Cody was such a sport and took the "scenic route" so I could take a picture of Hailey on the beach. Her first trip to FL she had to have a picture at the beach! It was a long drive on the back roads, but I got her beach pictures.
Touching ocean water for the first time.

First things first...


Proud Grandpa!

We finally made it to Grandma's house.  We unpacked realy quick and made our way to Keystone Heights where we visited with family and great friends while watching the Gator game.  Bonnie made her famous carrot cake that was delish! 

She's ready for the game. 
Onsie and flower compliments for Grandpa.

I think I was Hailey's age when Wendy and I became friends.

Hanging out with
Uncle Jamie and Aunt Kaycie.

Aunt Nina showing her how to Gator chomp.

We actually had a five second conversation before the
picture was taken whether or not we were going to smile
or if it was going to be an action shot of us chatting.
The Fam
Someone said old people on the couch and
Dad was the only one that sat down.

In her swaddler ready for night night.
Saying good night to Aunt Nina and Aunt Kaycie.

She loves her Uncle Jamie.

James, Dad and Me

I have so many great memories at this house. I spent almost every weekend there during football season when I was younger because my dad and his best friend, Jay, would go to the games while Wendy and I stayed with Bonnie and we would dress up for tea parties, do our makeup, paint our nails, watch Saved By The Bell and all kinds of other girly things.

Jay and Bonnie.  Love these two!

Wendy and I all grown up.

The Gang

Sunday - September 25, 2011

Cody watching the game.

Cody spent all morning trying to figure out how he was going to watch the Texans/Saints game while we were in Florida (we're staying at Grandma's house and she doesn't get the game). We ended up at BJ's Brewhouse eating yummy food and watching the game...for 3 hours! 
Not watching the game, but enjoyed her
extra time with Grandpa.

Meeting Edie.

We ended up running into Aunt Connie and Edie while we were there.  Was so good to see them and visit for a little bit.
Meeting Aunt Connie

Met both these girls in Middle School.  Man how things
have changed.
Every trip to FL, I try to plan a night to meet up with friends. It was kind of a last minute thing. So, not very many people were able to come, but enjoyed the visit with my good friends Teri Lynn and Crystal and their families.

Being in restaraunts all day is exhausting.

Later that evening.  Had to get a picture
together with her "Pretty Like Mommy" onsie.

Monday - September 26, 2011
We were a little sad because we didn't think we would get another chance to visit with James and Kaycie.  However, we ended up making a trip to Port Orange to see their new house and hang out with them a little more.

On our way to see Uncle Jamie
and Aunt Kaycie.

Been in the car so much this trip.  So, doing a little tummy time.

Hailey hanging out with Mommy and Uncle Jamie.

Kaycie and Champ

Comfy on Aunt Kaycie.

Seeing what James and Kaycie's kids would like.
Visiting the Botanical Gardens.  Before it became a garden it was a sugar mill plantation, campt headquarters during the Civil War and a theme park called Bongoland that featured stone dinosaurs.

Confederate Oak.  Soldiers would rest under this tree.


James and Kaycie live near the beach.  So, we thought it would be cool for Hailey to visit the Atlantic while she was here, too since she already saw the Gulf.  There was a storm coming.  So, we made it a quick visit.

We ate dinner at one of their favorite local restaraunts, Garlic.  We forgot to get a pic while we were inside and it was starting to rain.  So, we took one in the car in the parking lot.

Tuesday - September 27, 2011
Grandpa, Edie (Second Cousin, Once Removed [hee hee]),
Daddy and Aunt Connie
We spent the rest of our trip hanging out at Grandma's and spending time with family.  I love that Hailey was able to visit where I spent most of my childhood and have so many memories from.
Hailey swinging with Great-Grandma and
Second Cousin Caroline.

Aunt Nina and Second Cousin Caitlin

Caitlin and her boyfriend, Danny

Second Cousin Mya

Every chance Grandma got, she would snatch Hailey up.  But she wouldn't just hold her where we all were, she would disappear.  Grandma ended up making a little pillow fort for her and this is where they would disappear to.

Hailey's 1st Trip to Paines Prairie
Whenever Cody and I visit Florida, we always stop at Paines Prairie.  It started out because you used to be able to see aligators when you would walk out on the pier and Cody thought that was pretty cool to see.  There was even one year when Cody and Dad were walking alongside the wall, they saw a swarm of them in the ditch.  Unfortunatly, the past few times we've been we haven't seen any, but to keep tradition, we stop by and take pictures anyway. 

I was so excited that I was able to get a Four Generations picture with my Grandma.  Definatley a picture I will cherish forever.  Was also happy to be able to get one with me and my Dad and Hailey.  When he came to visit when she was two weeks old, I wasn't quite thinking straight and forgot to get one of us.
Four Generations!


Wednesday - September 28, 2011
Such a precious moment.  Mommy and Hailey sleeping.

We had such a wonderful trip visiting with family and friends, but we were ready to get home.  On our way, we decided to make a stop for the night in Mississippi.  With all the activities going on lately, Cody and I didn't get to celebrate our three year anniversary.  Our plan was to do that tonight.  Hailey was a bit fussy and they got our dinner order wrong.  So, we're getting a do-over.

My High Maintenance girl

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Some parents read bedtime stories before bed...
Daddy and Hailey watch ESPN.